• September 15, 2024

Armed Militias ‘Storm’ Washington to Defend the Second Amendment

Militias and conservative activists rallied in Washington on Saturday to demand protection of gun ownership rights, term limits for lawmakers in Congress, and tighter U.S. borders against immigrants, among other things.

Waving American flags, Confederate flags, and a Trump 2020 flag, the crowd of about 100 activists deposited their firearms at a park in northern Virginia before crossing a bridge into the District of Columbia, where guns cannot be openly carried.

The rally wrapped up peacefully, though it came amid concerns about a surge in political violence after clashes between activists at events such as the 2017 right-wing rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in which a woman was killed.

Gathered on the Washington mall between the White House and Congress, the demonstrators vowed on Saturday to be more active ahead of the elections in November 2020.

“What’s been happening the past several years isn’t working, so you’re going to be seeing more of this,” said Gary Sigler, who led security for the event and formerly led a Maryland militia.

Sigler, 48, said he also patrolled Virginia’s statehouse in July alongside several other militia members when a special legislative session was held to discuss changes to gun laws.

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