Is it not wonderful not to worry about where your next meal comes from? How “Out of touch” this man is with the common folk. A multi millionaire living among millionaires, listening to the drivel the media puts out 24/7 and concludes with comments such as these;
“I’m a rich white guy. And I’m sick to my stomach thinking about it. I can’t imagine being a Muslim right now. Or a woman. Or an African-American, a Hispanic, a handicapped person, how disenfranchised they must feel. … My final conclusion is, my big fear is: We are Rome.”
To think an educated man would think Americans of any respect are going to be any more disenfranchised then they are now is nothing short of laughable. Just imagine when governmental restrictions and tax codes are loosened everyone will have a bit more money in their pockets to spend and jump start a stagnant economy. And that is just the beginning.
I’m sure Mr. Popovich’s intentions are honorable, but living in the bubble he has been blessed to live in does not make it easier for others. For him to attack Donald Trump for nothing he has done, and rushed to judgement over the constant drum beat of the media distaste for Donald Trump is very short sighted.
To not look at the failures of the last 8 years and the impact of the Obama Administration on the poor and middle class is foolish. More people voted for Donald Trump to change the course of the country, for a reason. Americans are struggling to get by economically, and people like Popovich don’t understand that reality. When you have a silver spoon in your mouth all your life it must be hard to understand the other side.
What do you think?