• September 15, 2024

Bernie Sanders Supporters Walk Out When Hillary Gets the Nomination

walk out

Irate Bernie Sanders’ supporters walked out of the convention when Hillary received the nomination for the democratic party.  This is terrible news for the democrats who are desperately trying to unite the zombies democratic voters behind the ethically challenged Hillary Clinton.  The protesters held a sit in inside of the press tent.

From The Washington Times:

Hundreds of Sanders backers, most carrying pro-Sanders signs, conducted what seemed to be a well-coordinated march from the Wells Fargo Center to the media tents just outside the arena. They said that party officials were trying to confiscate Sanders signs inside Wells Fargo, where high-profile Democrats were speaking about united efforts to beat Republican Donald Trump in November.

They chanted, “This is about a revolution that has to continue, this is about a movement, power to the people,” and other slogans.

 “We are the people. United together, we’ll never be defeated,” the crowd chanted as Pennsylvania State Police assembled just outside the media tent to try and maintain order as the Sanders crowd virtually took over the area.

Many of the Sanders backers then sat down throughout the tent, staging a sit-in and saying they refuse to accept Mrs. Clinton as their nominee.

“I’m not okay with this. This is not over. This is just the beginning,” said Robert Satiacum, a Washington Sanders delegate.

The democrats are very divided and the treatment being afforded to Bernie delegates is widening the gao.  They say Trump is an authoritarian but they are the ones acting like dictators.  They lock them out of meetings, stel their signs, threaten them with arrest and then insist on getting their vote.  The media tried to convince us this would happen at the republican convention but it didn’t.

More from The Washington Times:

Several delegates said they had planned to walk out before the nominating process took place unless their voices were heard.

Michael Lopez, a Sanders delegate from North Dakota, said that he and others were ordered to put away their pro-Sanders signs until after the conclusion of the nomination process.

“We’re being told, ‘Put away your signs or you’re going to be arrested,” Mr. Lopez said.

Raina Whiting of Hawaii said that she was disgusted by what she described as the unfair playing field.

“This is a response to our voices not being heard,” she said. “If Hillary had received the nomination fair and square, that would be one thing, but that’s not what happened.”

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