Black Georgetown Students Demand One Billion Dollars



In 1838, Georgetown University sold 272 slaves for a total of $115,000 in order to pay off their debts.  Since today’s Georgetown is wholly responsible for actions taken almost 180 years ago, the students who claim to be descendants of the 272 slaves that were sold, feel entitled to one billion dollars from the university.  The students insist that it’s not reparations since the money will benefit the entire country.  Right.  Did I ever tell you about my Uncle Jed and how he discovered bubbling crude while shooting at some food?

The university had announced just last week announced that they would give descendants of the 272 slaves, preferred admissions, would erect a memorial for the 272 slaves and would rename two buildings.  But as we’ve seen so many times in recent years, the moment you give in to one demand, there are 20 new demands.  Georgetown has a total endowment of 1.5 billion dollars, so one billion would wipe out 67% of the school’s back up fund.

They are using an age old liberal trick.  When a word becomes toxic, they simply rebrand it.  Illegal aliens become undocumented workers.  (Even if they are on welfare)  They are now calling the reparations, a “Reconciliation Fund,”  Who could possibly be against reconciliation?

From The Daily Caller:

The school’s decision to confront the more sordid parts of its past won praise from some quarters, though several black writers criticized the move as hopelessly insufficient.

But some descendants of the 272 slaves told The Washington Post the school’s recent announcements aren’t enough. They want more. Much more. A billion dollars more.

“We appreciate the gestures of a proposed memorial to our enslaved ancestors on Georgetown’s campus and President John DeGioia’s visits with some descendants, but recommendations developed without the meaningful participation of descendants can only be seen as preliminary,” descendant Sandra Green Thomas said in a Thursday statement.


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