Mark Hamill is an absolute tool for supporting gun control. It is sad that these young talented people died but to support gun control is insane!

Here is more from the liberal publication Raw Story:

Actor Mark Hamill got a lesson in right-wing fragility when he spoke out in favor of gun control in the wake of the murder of two TV journalists in Virginia on Wednesday.

Hamill was referring to sweeping gun-safety laws that went into effect in Australia after the 1996 Port Arthur massacre, in which one man armed with a semi-automatic rifle killed 35 people and injured dozens more in a single killing spree.

In the wake of that incident, the Australian government enacted the National Firearms Agreement, making automatic and semi-automatic rifles and pump-action shotguns illegal.

A national gun buy-back program netted more than 640,000 weapons.

Since then, shooting deaths in the country have plummeted. Nonetheless, U.S. gun advocates see the Australian program as anathema and refuse to think of it as anything other than a tyrannical government’s means of seizing absolute control over the populace.

Read more at Raw Story