Ferguson Alderman Antonio French free after last nights arrest

(KTVI)- St. Louis Alderman Antonio French says he was arrested because, “I didn’t listen.”   French was released from the Ferguson city jail just after 7:00 a.m. Thursday.

“I would call everyone in there a peacemaker, not a trouble maker.  I saw some troublemakers and none of them were in that jail,” French told reporter Chris Regnier.

French said, “we broke no laws.”

Tear gas explosion and concussion grenades filled the sky in Ferguson Wednesday night.   St. Louis County police say at least 10 people were arrested including  French.

St. Louis City Board of Aldermen President Lewis Reed was also arrested.

Before the tear gas went flying police warned a crowd of about 60 people if they threw anything at officers their demonstration would end. When officers used the tear gas protestors ran nearly half a block to regroup. One person was caught on camera making Molotov cocktail. It was later thrown at police striking an officer in the head.