Back in 1950, Jimmy Stewart made a film called Harvey, a whimsical film where he talked to a six foot rabbit that know one else could see. Point being, at that time he was considered a candidate for a hospital stay at Bellevue until he came to his senses. Fast forward a few decades, we have “so called professionals” wanting us to give personhood to trees in a forest. It looks like this madness is gaining ground here to the extent of granting land legal personhood status to mountains, rivers, parks, with all the protections that go along with it here in the United States.
We’re not talking about shutting down the American dream, we’re actually talking about how do we rebuild it so it’s a viable one that can be shared with future generations. It’s kind of inevitable.”These same people who want to grant personhood status to mountains, trees, rivers, and waterfalls are the same people who think an unborn baby isn’t technically a person until it’s born. These people talk about nature as having its own “heartbeat” and “soul.” Those are obviously descriptive metaphors. They’re not literal.An unborn baby actually has a soul, and around six weeks, a heartbeat. But that doesn’t count, because a woman has a right to do what she pleases with her baby’s own body.
So in hindsight if a forest is granted “personhood” how do you address it? Do I call it by a certain geographical name or do all the trees have their own name, and who decides to name them? The inmates are running the asylum, in more ways than one. I guess it makes these people feel good that they are making a difference, in their little obscure world. What do you think ?