BLM and Mother Whose Son Was Killed as He Tried To Rob a Man Calls It Murder [VIDEO]

An off-duty U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent shot and killed a 15 year old boy as he and two accomplices tried to rob him with a gun that turned out to be a replica and not the real thing.  It was recovered by police at the scene.  A second boy was shot and the third suspect got away but was picked up later and arrested for attempted robbery.

Of course the mother is speaking out as well as BLM  saying that  Darius Smith would never do such a thing.  How many times have we heard that.  In order to believe them, we would have to believe the Customs agent just decided to shoot three innocent kids just looking for old ladies to help cross the street.  And besides, cops don’t plant replica guns.  They would plant the real thing.

Attorney Lee Merritt told KABC:

“Darius Smith was executed.  He was not in the midst of a robbery. He was shot twice in the legs first. [He fell] and his shooter got over him and shot him three times in the chest. That’s a murder. That’s not subduing the robbery.”

There is no evidence that was the case.  It is possible but until forensics examines the evidence we won’t know.  Remember that Ferguson thug, Michael Brown was allegedly shot in the back as his arms were raised in surrender.  That turned out to be physically impossible and every witness recanted their testimony after the evidence proved they were lying.

 A 15-year-old boy was fatally shot by an off-duty U.S. Customs and Border Protection agent after the teen allegedly attacked the agent on a southern California sidewalk and then pointed a gun at him and demanded his property, authorities told KABC-TV.

The fatally shot teen, identified as Darius Smith, was with a pair of 14-year-old accomplices when they allegedly attacked the agent from behind just after 8 p.m. Friday in Arcadia, authorities told the station.

“The victim thought the subjects were going to rob and shoot him so he retrieved his department-issued handgun,” Caroline Rodriguez of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy told the station. “The victim shot at the subjects in an effort to defend himself.”

The teen with the gun and one of his accomplices were hit by the agent’s gunfire, investigators told KABC. Arcadia police recovered a handgun at the scene that Smith allegedly held, deputies said in a statement to the station.

Smith was pronounced dead at a hospital Saturday morning, the sheriff’s department told KABC.

H/T The Blaze


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