How Desperate Are Democrats? Look Who They Want To Run For Ohio Governor

For the past two election cycles it was apparent that democrats have no bench left to Obama.  His policies destroyed the democratic party at the same time republicans were busy self destructing.  Therefore, it comes as no surprise that the democrats are having a tough time recruiting candidates.

But I don’t care how hard up you are, to ask this celebrity to run for governor is like attempting a Hail Mary pass from your own end zone.  It just ain’t gonna fly.   So, who is this person top democrats in Ohio are trying to recruit?  Jerry Springer.

 Former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland (D) confirmed he has discussed a possible run with Springer, noting the TV personality “certainly would start out with wide name recognition.”

“I think he has a very strong ability to communicate what I think is the heart of the Democratic message,” Strickland said. “I think he is a superb communicator.”

Springer is set to deliver the keynote address on Sunday at the Geauga County Democratic Party dinner. He headlined a similar event for Sandusky County Democratic Party in April, when he said he did not “need” to run for elected office.

But that doesn’t mean the door is totally closed, according to Tim Burke, chair of the Hamilton County Democratic Party. He told Business Insider that Springer would consider a run for governor if he was “needed by the party.”

Burke said he did not “think Jerry has said no, but he certainly hasn’t said yes, either.”

“On the other hand,” Burke continued, “he’s been into a good number of our Democratic county party organization events. … And whenever he [speaks at] them, he always draws a good crowd. He continues to have a very real interest in Ohio politics.”

Many Democrats have argued Springer could tap into the blue-collar Americans who voted for President Donald Trump in November, given many of them would likely be familiar with his television show and his history in Ohio politics.

H/T The Blaze