Is the Media Ignoring the Threat of Global Islamic Jihad?

Is the Media Ignoring the Threat of Global Islamic Jihad?
Is the Media Ignoring the Threat of Global Islamic Jihad?

While a Syrian man failed to be granted asylum in Germany and had pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (ISIS) before he blew himself up in southern Germany, wounding 12 other people, the fourth attack in one week, questions are being asked if the media are ignoring the global jihadist threats.

Other Islamic attacks are occurring in many parts of the world while the U.S. news media has been focused with the political conventions and has ignored the fact that events overseas demonstrate that the global Jihadist movement is rising, Christopher W. Holton, of Terror Trends Bulletin, which tracks and analyzes jihadist terrorism around the world wrote.

Holton wrote that while the U.S. media is sharply focused on politics, the global Jihadist movement is not on its heels and not on the run… nor is it contained.

Holton reported on one such incident in which Brazilian authorities had arrested 10 people in an apparent plot to carry out an Islamic State-inspired attack on the upcoming Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro and how the media reacted.

In the case of the Rio de Janeiro arrests, Holton said, “The group of ten were described as a “disorganized cell” that was communicating with each other online to plan attacks. The Brazilian federal police moved in on the Jihadis when they began to make plans to purchase firearms. While the media has sought to downplay the significance of this development, it should be pointed out that 10 “disorganized” people with firearms can create a lot of death and destruction.”

“We can only hope that the elected leaders here in America recognize the frenetic pace of Jihadi activity worldwide and realize their duty to make defeating Jihad the number 1 national priority.”