Maine Father Finds Something Horrifying Inside His Child’s Halloween Treat

Maine father Jason Levesque claims that he found a sewing needle “expertly” placed in his child’s Halloween candy this year, prompting him to toss the entire haul and distribute a word of caution to other parents.

Jason Levesque said he took his children, 6, 8 and 16 years old, out for an innocent evening of trick-or-treating on Friday evening, expecting a great fun-filled night from a generous neighborhood.

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When his three children pooled their spoils together and divided them evenly, Mr. Levesque’s oldest daughter found something horrifying within her treat. Buried within a “fun size” Snickers bar, Mr. Levesque said his teen daughter discovered a sewing needle.

The needle Jason Levesque said his daughter found inside the "fun size" Snickers from trick-or-treating Friday evening. Levesque said the family went out in the area of Amberly Way and Fairview Avenue between 5:30 and 7 p.m.
The needle Jason Levesque said his daughter found inside the “fun size” Snickers from trick-or-treating Friday evening. Levesque said the family went out in the area of Amberly Way and Fairview Avenue between 5:30 and 7 p.m.

Mr. Levesque stated that other than urban legend, this is the first time he’s  actually heard of anything like this happening — much less within his own family.

“Frankly, I’m flabbergasted,” Levesque said. “Hopefully, this is an isolated incident.”

Sources: Bangor Daily News, Sun Journal


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