Fox News as stated every break is supposed to be “Fair and Balanced”. The network was, for many years the one source people on the right could go to for, at least moderate reporting. One such reporter who made a name for herself was Megyn Kelly. She came off as a reasonably unbiased news reader and people enjoyed her. Seemingly since Donald Trump entered the campaign, it has seemed to turn into a personal feud, mostly on her part.

According to 100 Percent Fed Up:

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The people are seeing the bias from Megyn Kelly and have turned away from her! The ratings for the show that features Megyn Kelly have dropped like a rock! Bravo!

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There is a great deal of viewers that noticed a shift in her on air leanings and persona. Viewership  has not been accustomed to this and it is showing, and it is driving them away by the thousands. For someone to fall behind the likes of Rachel Maddow in ratings should be a warning sign to the once popular news reader.

It seems ego and popularity have changed her a bit, power does that. It fills people with delusions of grandeur, it is all about me. But that’s the nature of show business, they come and they go. To think she feels that important about sitting behind a chair reading scripted verse to the masses. What’s so brilliant about that? What do you think?