Mentally Challenged HuffPo Writer Says Dead Cop Was a White Supremacist


You didn’t even have to look at the masthead, you knew it had to be the Huffington Post.  Any news site with even a minuscule of integrity would never think of running such a pile of crap.  The writer is Jesse Benn, who started writing for the HuffPo after his career as a Walmart greeter started to peter out.  It forced him to lower his sights.

So what is his proof that Dallas Policeman Lorne Ahrens?  He had  an iron cross tattoo on his finger, a Facebook photo of Thor’s Hammer and another tattoo of a “crusaders’ shield” on his left arm.  Oh my!!!!  Also, his funeral was held in a Baptist church and as we all know Baptists are racists.  Benn is a clown so does that mean he worships Bozo?

From The Blaze:

But Benn’s most controversial statements came in his closing paragraphs (emphasis added):

So, is he still a hero? He never was to me, but this should raise some serious questions for media and all you “patriots” out there continuing to exalt him as one. It also underscores the logic behind Micah Johnson’s motives—assuming we believe what’s been reported of them to be true. In a year that’s seen nearly 200 Black people killed by police already, and when none of the officers are likely to ever be charged with a crime for doing so, Micah Johnson killed five police officers. And one of them was likely a full blown white supremacist. Perhaps unsurprisingly, if someone wants to target white supremacists, starting with cops is a good bet.

Now, I know what a lot of you are thinking. How dare I sully Ahrens’ good name after he’s dead. And to that I’d say if he was affiliated with white supremacy as he appears to be, his name was never good in the first place.

You can read the entire piece and review the so-called “evidence” here.


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