New Poll 54% of Voters Believe Hillary Should Have Been Indicted
A poll says that 54% of voters think that Hillary should have been criminally indicted for her private email server. 37% think the FBI made the right decision. The numbers against Hillary would have been much worse had they extended the poll outside her immediate family. The amazing thing is if you just count the democrats who participated in the poll, only 64% agreed with Comey’s decision. Normally you would expect no less than 85%. 25% of democrats said they felt she should have been indicted. 79% of republicans and 63% of Independent voters agreed that Hillary should have been prosecuted.
Eighty-one percent of voters said powerful people receive preferential treatment, even when they violate the law.
“Among those who think powerful people get preferential treatment, 63 [percent] disagree with the FBI’s decision not to seek a criminal indictment of Clinton. Ninety percent (90%) of those who do not believe the powerful are treated differently agree with the FBI’s action,” according to the Rasmussen report.
Rasmussen Reports conducted the survey via telephone and online on July 5th with 1,000 likely voters. The margin of error is plus or minus three percent.