Back on August 18th 2014, the Rowan County Planning Board presented to the Rowan County Commissioners their recommendation to finally comply with provisions of HB937, which was enacted into law July 2013, and effective as of October 1st, 2013.
(Rowan County, like many others has an outdated and illegal prohibition on concealed carry in its public parks and recreational areas).
Of course, compliance with state law is compulsory, but the Planning Commission took things a step further and recommended that not only parks be open to lawful concealed carry, but ALL county facilities be open to it. But wait, there’s more! The Planning Commission then recommended that even County Employees be allowed to carry concealed in the workplace!

Although issues were raised about exceptions and necessary policies to implement, after public comments were heard, the consensus was to proceed. Part of the discussion detailed the exemplary twenty-year record of permit holders adhering to the laws pertaining to concealed carry. This message must have been heard loud and clear, since the proposed language for the ordinance changes is straightforward and to the point.
This news from Rowan County is very encouraging, but it’s not a done deal yet. Tuesday, September 2nd, at 3:00 PM, the full Rowan County Commission will conduct a Public Hearing and vote on the proposed changes. Your feedback and support will go a long way to encourage the commissioners, and remind them where law-abiding gun owners stand on this issue. Below, see what you can do to help the passage of the new ordinances.
Email the Rowan County Commissioners and encourage them to vote for the proposed changes as submitted. Below you’ll find a copy/paste e-mail list and a copy/paste message to send to them.
Attend the Rowan County Commission Meeting. Here are the details:
J. Newton Cohen, Sr. Rowan County Administration BuildingJ. Newton Cohen, Sr. Room (2nd floor)
130 West Innes Street
Salisbury, NC
When: Tuesday, September 2, 2014
3:00 PM
Rowan County Commission copy/paste email list:
[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Suggested Subject: “Tuesday, Vote to Support Gun Rights in Rowan County”
Dear Rowan County Commissioner,
I have just been informed that the Rowan County Commission intends to vote in favor of gun rights on September 2nd, and I am writing to express my full support for this position.
A patchwork of “gun-free zones” serve only to make accidental felons out of otherwise peaceful, law-abiding citizens, while doing nothing to ensure anyone’s safety. A vote to open all county facilities and parks to the lawful concealed carry of handguns will express respect for gun rights, and will empower both the citizens and employees of Rowan County.
Along with Alamance and Cherokee counties, which have also opened their facilities to lawful concealed carry, you will be leading by example, and you will surely inspire even more to follow suit. A decision to trust Rowan County’s citizens, employees, and fellow North Carolinians to act responsibly and lawfully is to be commended. Thank you in advance for doing the right thing this Tuesday afternoon, by voting for the proposed changes to your ordinances, allowing lawful concealed carry of handguns.
I will continue to monitor this issue via alerts from Grass Roots North Carolina.
About:Grass Roots North Carolina is an all-volunteer organization dedicated to preserving the freedoms guaranteed us by the Bill of Rights. Our main focus is the right to keep and bear arms. GRNC was central to drafting and passing North Carolina’s concealed handgun law and since that time has continued to push for improvements to gun laws.
Read more: AmmoLand
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