A 17-year-old photo daredevil died when he accidentally fell from the roof of a nine-story building while posing for a thrilling picture. The teen was reportedly addicted to posting risky, dangerous photos to his Instagram page.
The Russian teen, Andry Retrovesky, often put his life at risk by climbing extremely tall buildings and structures in order to pose for photos. Last week, he climbed to the top of a nine-story building with a friend in an effort to capture a photo that would make him appear to be falling from the roof.
As Andrey prepared to pose for the photo, the rope used to secure him snapped and he plunged to the ground. While his fall was cushioned by bushes, he died from extensive injuries approximately two hours after the incident.
A youth subculture in Russia called “Roofers” has recently made headlines. The teens illicitly sneak into high-rise buildings to take pictures of themselves at the top. It is unclear whether or not Andrey was part of “Roofers,” but the high-rise selfie trend is seemingly prominent in Russia.