Police Escort Rio Torch With Tear Gas And Rubber Bullets

The Olympic Games for the most part have started, but the opening ceremonies are on friday, by the look of things, the games are not going to be the news of the day. What is happening in the streets of Brazil and the discontent by the populace will be the overriding story over the next two weeks. Who knows where to start with all the land mines, from the corruption in the administration inputting the games together to the crime and to environmental concerns. It will be a sight, and I wonder how NBC is going to cover this event. One thing is for sure, how the games are awarded is going to be scrutinized more by “trusting” officials .


According to the BBC:

Rio officials admit they’ve failed to keep up promises to clean up water where watersports will take place – but Team GB say they haven’t had any problems yet.
Chinese state media has criticised security in Rio, after women fencers were robbed and shooting team members found “unauthorised payments” on their credit cards.
China’s foreign ministry has also warned its visitors to avoid “dangerous” areas of Rio and vowed to increase protection for Chinese athletes after a hurdler fell victim to a scam.


Does anyone other than me think that these Olympics are going to be remembered for all the wrong reasons, but in the long run financially for the right reasons. What do you think?


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