Police in Wichita, Kansas, say a woman was set on fire after being sexually assaulted and hit on the head while in Fairmount Park on Monday Night.

When the woman was found by a neighbor, she was barely moving in a crawl and completely naked.

Johnnye Marshall, a neighor of the woman, heard someone screaming for help at which point she awoke her boyfriend.

(Credit: Thinkstock)
(Credit: Thinkstock)

“What if that was my daughter?  I’d want somebody to go in and get her,” McPherson told The Wichita Eagle“Where there wasn’t blood, there was a burn.”

The flames that engulfed the woman were said to be from about 2 to 4 feet high.  McPherson stayed with the woman until firefighters arrived.

Wichita police Captain Troy Livingston said that although the victim has improved she is still in critical condition having sustained urns over  more than 50 percent of her body.

Police have yet to determine whether this was a random act of violence or if perhaps the woman was a target, with Captain Livingston calling it a “digusting crime”. 

Latest reports reveal that Wichita police is searching for a suspect but the only description they have about the suspect is that he is black.

“Our hearts go out to the victim.  This is a tough deal,” Livingston added.  “Somebody out there knows what happened and we need that information.”

H/T: CBS St. Louis