Refugees Sue Pa. School District, Claim Academy Not Good Enough

This is a story that will have you pulling what’s left of your hair out; but in hindsight not surprising. These six people sure learned fast didn’t they? I wonder who got their ear? Yes, the ACLU lawyer that will navigate his way through a misguided corrupt legal system for profit. What gaul of these people, they have not received enough financial aid in more ways then I can name, and now they are suing because the school is not what they want? Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. The audacity of these people!

According to Fox News:

A group of refugees is suing a Central Pennsylvania school district, saying the academy they were put in after their arduous journey to America is not up to snuff. Represented by the Pennsylvania branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, the six refugees sued Lancaster schools in federal court, saying they were dumped in a disciplinary school and are being denied access to a quality education. The students range in age from 17 to 21, and hail from Somalia, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Burma.

How times have changed. Many a refugee in the past joyfully kissed the ground of this nation for an opportunity, just to start digging ditches. They worked their way up to accomplish dreams for themselves and their families, just as my family did over a century ago. No, this is wrong; start working for that school you want to attend, or go back to the third world life style you struggled to get away from. This should be stopped from happening, and not be able to continue. What a mockery they are making out of this Country!  What do you think?


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