Shots Fired at Police During Break In of a Gun Store


In what could be a similar case to that in Baton Rouge, four people broke into a gun store and were confronted by a SWAT team.  One of the burglars fired at the officers.  Four men were arrested for breaking into the store.  Last week, four men broke into a pawn shop in Baton Rouge in order to get guns to use against police officers.  Deercreek Gun Shop on South Fairground Street in Marietta, Georgia was broken into on Tuesday morning.  Police are now making sure that no one else is hiding in the store.

Police are taking the matter very seriously.  Georgia, like Baton Rouge has seen a lot of demonstrations and the possibility is there that the suspects had the specific plan to use them on police, although no evidence of that has surfaced at this time.

That is all the details that are available at this time.

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