If you are like me, you enjoy watching animals in nature battle it out. I often wonder what would happen if two animals were to have a fight, but never in a million years did I see this one coming. A snake found a nest of babies and was in the process of smothering them so it could eat them whem when mama showed up. And this mama was pissed. She would not let the snake slink away, she kept punishing it for trying to get her babies.
While the video is very sad, it shows just what parents will do to protect their young.
When a family found a snake suffocating baby bunnies, they took out their camera to capture the moment on tape. The camera person zooms in on the snake, which has its body wrapped around the tiny little babies. You can hear the observers speaking about the tragedy in a foreign language.
Then, out of nowhere, the mama rabbit leaps onto the snake and scares it away. The reptile releases its grip on the babies and then moves out. But the mama rabbit is not done with the deadly predator. She leaps at the snake again and forces it further away from her young.
The snake leaves the bunnies and tries to escape. But mama rabbit continues to beat on the snake. She shakes herself and prevents the slithery reptile from wrapping itself around her. Then she kicks at it and forces it away from the small little bunnies.
After one minute of filming, the snake has slithered through the grass and is trying to escape over the wall. But the rabbit is not done with it yet. The rabbit grabs the snake and continues to kick it and beat it.
Millions have watched this epic battle. To think that this mama rabbit is willing to fight a snake for her young – now that is unconditional love.