The Democratic Party is “abusing” blacks in America, according to a group of men in Chicago who have a scathing message for President Barack Obama and “black leadership.”
“Who are the real oppressors in our community?” Paul McKinley, who ran for elected office as a Republican to replace Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., demanded in a video released Monday by Rebel Pundit. “When you hear the words ‘black-on-black crime,’ the first thing you think of is a black man robbing you, a black man breaking in your house. And that is a black-on-black crime. But let’s take it one step further. There’s a black-on-black crime down in city hall, there’s a black-on-black crime down in all the state capitals in America, where black folks are voting against our interests!”
McKinley said the only thing Washington is offering the black community is “abortion on demand.”

Paul McKinley speaks with Rebel Pundit about the Democrat Party’s relationship with black America. (Image source: Rebel Pundit)
“They’re not pushing a black agenda,” he said. “They’re not pushing a family agenda. They’re pushing a neo-liberal agenda. … Black leadership is abusing us! The Democratic Party is abusing us.”
Mark Carter added: “They force us into a life of welfare. We don’t want no welfare! We want opportunities to go to work. We want opportunities to own businesses.”
Carter said the same people in Washington who “make sure we get nothing” somehow manage to get blacks to “turn around and have us vote for them again.”
“Most of these people are homeless, living in the street, and it’s because of you, Mr. President,” Joseph Watkins said.
Rebel Pundit founder Jeremy Segal appeared on TheBlaze TV’s Dana Monday to discuss the video, saying he met the men in Chicago at a Tea Party meeting a few years ago.
“So they actually did the outreach into the Tea Party community, and told me a lot about what’s going on,” Segal said. “And we sort of hit it off and started working together, and I found that there was a good avenue to get stories out to the public and help these people get their stories heard.”
Watch the complete video, via Rebel Pundit:
Segal said the media in Chicago will send news trucks into various neighborhoods, but they only give a platform to those they agree with.
“When people like this come out and speak against the machine, and speak against the corruption and draw attention to what’s really plaguing their communities, [the media doesn’t] have time for that,” he added.
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