Trumps Appeal Grows With Blue Collar As Establishment Attacks Him
This is a topic dear to me, because from the very beginning of this process. I have been at the forefront of calling out the establishment for their business as usual approach to the upcoming election. People are very dismayed in seeing what was a revered calling, to serve your country honestly, and now it has turned into a, what can I get out of this for me enterprise. Selling your office to either party, depending on the prevailing winds of the district or state. It is big business and as we all know many have made a fortune on a government salary in a short period of time. The people are wise to this , as they watch their ow quality of life slip. Hence Donald Trump, and to a small degree Bernie Sanders, but he recently held his breath and took the money and endorsed Hillary.
According to American Lookout:
You know the Establishment is freaking out when Establishment pundit mouthpieces like David Brooks and Francis Fukuyama are freaking out about Trump. David Brooks could not restrain his disdain for Trump on a recent Charlie Rose segment, in which he intoned (and I paraphrase) that Trump can’t put eight words together without referring to himself, i.e. he is not just a narcissist, but he is (take this, Trump!) a fragile narcissist– unlike people like Brooks, of course, who are solid, secure, wise, well-educated, erudite water-carriers for the status quo.
I want all of you to stay alert and watch and read with an educated eye, who is doing the complaining, attacking, they are your enemy. They want to hold their positions, they are all making a good living right now and do not want a Trump election to upset their fine dining. Is Trump perfect? Of course not, but he is here for a reason, and I’m going to run with it until my instincts tell me other wise. Ask yourself, are you not done with Harvard Lawyers yet? I’ll take the business man right now. What do you think?