Fans of America’s Got Talent, received a surprise when this 82 year old man began to sing. Look at the surprised look on the faces of the judges and the audience.
Could there be anything more simultaneously disturbing and impressive than watching a senior citizen belt a heavy metal tune?
John Hetlinger, 82, is a retired navy pilot and aerospace engineer who worked as the program manager for the COSTAR instrument that repaired the famous Hubble space telescope. And on NBC’s “America’s Got Talent” Tuesday night, he showed America that he can shatter the microphone with his rendition of Drowning Pool’s “Bodies.”
It’s not exactly the song you would have imagined him singing when you saw him walk out onto the stage, but he brought the crowd to it’s feet as he screamed thew lyrics in perfect pitch.
Check it out for yourself:
Hetlinger even got a shout out and invitation from The Drowning Pool:
Bad ass !!!