[WATCH] 7yo Girl With No Hands Wins Writing Contest With “Most Beautiful Penmanship”

(Scroll down for video) A young girl who has no hands, showed the world that she is capable of writing beautifully by winning a national penmanship award.

7-year-old Anaya Ellick of Virginia, won the Nicholas Maxim Special Award for Excellence in Manuscript Penmanship, getting $1,000 and a trophy.

Ellick writes well with her arms and does not use prostheses.

She stands at a desk while positioning a pencil between her two arms to create the right angle. The girl’s parents, Gary Ellick and Bianca Middleton, said that to everyone’s surprise, their daughter is very independent.

She ties her shoes, dresses herself, and does not need any help to do anything, the parents revealed.

This girl’s school principal, Tracey Cox, said that when Anaya wants to do something she always manages to find away to do it herself.

The quality of her writing stunned the judges of the Nicholas Maxim Special Award for Excellence in Manuscript Penmanship, as well as the director of the competition run by educational company Zaner-Bloser.