There’s a new initiative called STL Forward aiming to bring the St. Louis community together after whatever the Ferguson grand jury decides. And Michael Brown‘s father is in one of their videos, asking concerned individuals not to engage in violence so his son won’t have died in vain.

michael-brown-sr1There are multiple PSAs the group has put out; Michael Brown Sr.‘s is the most recent one so far. He says that his family is still hurting and appreciates everyone speaking out against racial profiling and police intimidation, but asks people to not react to a grand jury decision not to charge Darren Wilson in a violent way:

“Hurting others or destroying property is not the answer. No matter what the grand jury decides, I do not want my son’s death to be in vain. I want it to lead to incredible change. Positive change. Change that makes the St. Louis region better for everyone.”

The grand jury decision is expected to make its decision soon.

Watch the video below:

These pieces of shit are no different than Trayvon Martin’s family who sought to profit off his death by trademarking his name, and the supporters of #MikeBrown are no different than the mongrels who protested for Trayvon Martin as well. They care NOTHING about facts, all that matters is that Mike Brown was shot and killed by someone who is non-black.

His death wouldn’t have been in vain if they would’ve raised him to be a productive member of society rather than live and die like a damn thug!

