Woman Asks For Weed On Twitter Gets A Response She Was Not Expecting

When a Florida woman took to Twitter on Tuesday to request that someone bring her some weed, deputies responded.

Twitter user @Rosa_Sparkz, who describes herself as a twenty-something from Jupiter, FL, took to the social media site around 1:30 p.m. and tweeted “Somebody bring me weed. I’ll pay for it.”

Within an hour, The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office sent this reply via its own Twitter account: “Where should we meet you?”

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@Rosa_Sparkz, who lists her name as “Goddess,” even wrote back, stating “@PBCountySheriff follow back so I can DM you the location.”

By 4:30 a.m. Wednesday the sheriff’s office’s reply had been retweeted more than 28,000 times.

Meanwhile, Goddess was enjoying the buzz.

Tuesday night she posted “Yooo people are going back and forth in my mentions. Is this what famous people feel like on social media? … Meanwhile I’m high laughing.”

Just after 11 p.m. she followed up with “I’m famous (y’all)!!!”

The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office did not make any further tweets about the incident

Credit: Fox 19 

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