4 Air Force Pilots Get BAD News After Performing Stunt Over NFL Stadium

Four U.S. Air Force pilots from Georgia have been restricted from flight duties after performing a low-flying stunt over the NFL football stadium during a Carolina Panthers practice. Though the Panthers were not expecting to see such a thing, they thought it was “pretty awesome”.

According to Military.com,

ATLANTA — U.S. Air Force officials say four Georgia-based pilots are restricted from flight duties after their military jets swooped low over a football stadium in Charlotte, North Carolina, as the Carolina Panthers practiced.

Officials at Moody Air Force Base in south Georgia say four A-10C Thunderbolt IIs flew over Bank of America Stadium in Charlotte at low altitude Monday and the pilots will be on restricted duty pending results of inquiry into the incident.

Air Force Col. Thomas Kunkel said in a statement to The Associated Press the base is working with the Federal Aviation Administration to look into the matter.

Carolina Panthers Coach Ron Rivera, who witnessed the flyover, said the pilots “waved at us as they went over.” Rivera said the team was caught off-guard, but that it was “pretty awesome” to see.

These four pilots were probably just having a good time, tipping their hat to the Panthers and luckily, other than their punishment, it worked out ok. However, this stunt was dangerous and could have easily gone wrong. They should have at least tried to get permission before doing such a risky maneuver. While what these pilots did seems pretty cool, it is no doubt looked upon as reckless and deviant by the U.S. Air Force.

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