What a horrible story to report upon. I wonder how the media and administration’s of the world continue to defend Islam. It seems that they are waiting for Muslims to just fit in as time goes by and assimilate. The news is, it will not happen, there beliefs go completely against the norm, and how liberalism aligns with it boggles the mind, considering all the secular beliefs of the left in regard to sharia law. This man was brutalized because of his faith and a story reported on, how barbaric.
According to Jerusalem OnLine:
Pakistani writer Noor Dahri published an op-ed in JerusalemOnline (click here to read the op-ed) documenting that Yisro’el Shalom, a 52-year-old British Jewish man, was violently gang raped by anti-Semitic mobs in order to force him to move away from his home that was located within a Muslim area of London, numerous individuals within British society have responded to the shocking news, wondering if the story was real given that there was no Police record and that no one besides JerusalemOnline covered the story.
The gloves have to come off, if countries want these third world degenerates walking the streets, they better be ready for the consequences. People are getting angry, and the smallest incident can lead to chaos in the streets. There has to be some common sense in this area, and it seems if reverse immigration is not out of people’s minds. What do you think?