‘Al Qaeda’ Wi-Fi Network Sets Off LAX Security Scare

A WiFi network named for a terrorist group caused a scare at Los Angeles International Airport today. One passenger was checking the WiFi and came across the network at the top here:


Yes, that reads “Al-Quida Free Terror Nettwork.”

And how seriously did LAX take this threat? Well, they went back to the gate, and there were agents from Customs and Border Protection and Homeland Security, as well as air marshals, who all determined there was no serious threat from anyone on the plane, re-screening every one of them. They figured it was just a hot spot from the terminal.

Meaning either there was a jihadist at LAX with very poor hiding skills, or some idiot who had a hilarious idea to ruin everyone’s day.

For its part, the airport said, “After further investigation, it was determined that no crime was committed and no further action will be taken.”
