American Troops Issue THIS Massive Demand to Barack Obama & He Won’t Like It

After several “workplace violence” shootings at U.S. military facilities, 81 percent of military servicemen and women want the ability to carry a concealed weapon on stateside military bases, a new Rasmussen Report survey found.

Only 15 percent oppose allowing concealed-carry on bases, while 4 percent are undecided.

 Servicemen and women of all branches were united in their overwhelming support for the measure, according to the survey.
After the murder of five unarmed military personnel in Chattanooga, Tennessee, an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was proposed in Congress which would allow military personnel to carry concealed weapons.

Also in response to the Tennessee shooting, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter sent a two-page memo to service secretaries asking them to review gun policies to meet security threats.

“The tragic shooting on July 16 in Chattanooga, Tennessee, illustrates the continuing threat to DoD personnel in the U.S. homeland posed by Homegrown Violent Extremists,” Mr. Carter wrote. “This incident and the ongoing threat underscore the need for DoD to review its force protection and security policies, and procedures, particularly for off-installation DoD facilities.”

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