Arnold Schwarzenegger Says He “Won’t Be Back” For Apprentice, But Maybe For U.S. Senate

Why is it that actors and actresses just can’t handle becoming old and irrelevant?

Take for instance Al Franken, Sony Bono and yes even Susan Sarandon. All of them have in one way or another moved into the limelight by either running for political office, or tried to matter by taking controversial stands, even as their pecs sag and the years add up. Well now, you can add Arnold Schwarzenegger to that group.

It seems the former Terminator and Governor of California has decided that following his decision to leave his position as the “You’re Fired” guy from the show the “Celebrity Apprentice”, Arnold may be looking to get back into politics. Yes, The former governor is considering a run for the U.S. Senate in 2018. Of course there could be one good thing that comes out of such a decision. Schwarzenegger is reportedly eyeing the seat, er.. make that position currently held by Democrat Dianne Feinstein who is up for reelection in 2018.

Of course there could be more to it, “[This] would give Arnold the stage to jam Trump for the next 16 months,” an unnamed GOP strategist said. A rep for Schwarzenegger did not immediately return requests for comment on the report. We all know that the pair has been feuding for months following Trump slamming Arnold on Twitter. Ever since Arnold has been nursing a bruised ego after the president questioned the actors’ low “Celebrity Apprentice” ratings.

“Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got ‘swamped’ (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT,” Trump tweeted in January. Following that tweet, Arnold “The Terminator” Schwarzenegger,  quit the NBC show in last week saying people had a “bad taste” from the President retaining an Executive Producers credit for the show.

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