Sometimes, you have to wonder why the government spends money on some of the things that it does. Also, it is not lost on me that sometimes people are put...
There are always going to be people who think that they know everything their first day on the job just because they have some minor bit of authority. You run...
It’s almost a sacred level of trust when you are put in charge of something where there is a finite amount. I can recall on several occasions in my life...
When I was in the Navy, there was a brief period of time where there were “enemy combatants” that were being held on our vessel. Now, I spent a great...
There are certain circumstances were dealing with politics is totally unavoidable. If you’re at an airport or a train station, chances are a cable news program will be on television...
If you are a decent and upstanding person, you don’t particularly want to be involved in something that you don’t know whether it is a good thing or a bad...
There are some times when someone is plainly being accused of something just because there is someone that can accuse them of it. Think about how many times in life...
Every so often, you see someone end their career in just one move. Michael Richards did that many years ago when he went off on a tirade in a comedy...
The most important day of a person’s time as President very may well be the first day. There are so many things that the incoming President now has the authority...
It seems that everyone likes to try to get their pound of flesh on someone when they are on their way out of town. Donald Trump lost a rigged election...
The thing that people have to realize is that there are consequences to everything under the sun. For example, if I have bad service at a restaurant, I could always...