DOJ, communists, New Black Panthers hijack Ferguson protests.

Leader of militant group pictured coordinating with police

by Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars

A combination of the Department of Justice, Communist agitators and members of the radical New Black Panther party have descended on Ferguson, Missouri to hijack what were largely peaceful protests that have turned increasingly violent in recent days.


Black Panther Leader Malik Shabazz was recorded leading a group of protesters in a chant aimed at Darren Wilson, the officer that shot 18-year-old Michael Brown. “What do we want?” asks Shabazz, to which the crowd responds, “Darren Wilson.” “How do we want him?” asks Shabazz. While some in the crowd respond with “indicted,” others are heard to chant, “dead!”


While many, including members of the original Black Panthers, regard the New Black Panthers as a divisive, militant and occasionally violent organization, police in Ferguson seemingly have no problem working with the group, as shown in the image below of Captain Ronald Johnson coordinating with Shabazz.

According to the SPLC, Shabazz’ description as a “community organizer” belies the fact that he is a “racist black nationalist with a long, well-documented history of violently anti-Semitic remarks and accusations about the inherent evil of white people,” and is “particularly skilled at orchestrating provocative protests.”

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