• September 8, 2024

BREAKING UPDATE: Symbolic Black People’s Grand Jury, Verdict Announced!

ST. LOUIS, Mo. (KMOV.com) – A group called the Black People’s Grand Jury met over the weekend and conducted a mock grand jury process, re-examining the proceeding of the grand jury in the investigation into the death of Michael Brown. 

The group’s decision on whether to indict Darren Wilson has no legal weight, but the group says its hope is to spark change in the judicial system. 

The group announced its findings Monday, which were very critical of County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch. 

The mock grand jury compiled just the testimony they felt was needed to find probable cause for an indictment. After two days, the group came back with an 11-1 decision to indict on first-degree murder charges. 

It took the Black People’s Grand Jury just one hour to come to its decision over the weekend. The group said it was able to condense the testimony, which took the St. Louis County grand jury three months to hear, because they brought only the testimony relevant to securing an indictment, not the thousands of pages of testimony released after the official grand jury announcement. 

“it was a very serious and historic process,” said Omali Yeshitela, the lead prosecutor for the Black People’s Grand Jury. 

The 12 mock jurors were all from St. Louis County and the proceedings were live-streamed online throughout the weekend. 

“The indictment is not to say whether or not this gentleman was guilty or not,” said Yeshitela. “It’s only fair to Darren Wilson, as well, to have his day in court.” 

With more than a week of peace in the community, the group says it hopes this will spark more peaceful demonstrations and says it has at least one march on Clayton in the works.

Read more: http://www.kmov.com/news/editors-pick/Mock-jury-votes-to-indict-Officer-Wilson-287558331.html#ixzz3NzPN2QVh




ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) -A symbolic Black People’s Grand Jury will meet Saturday morning to go over evidence presented in the case of the shooting death of Michael Brown by then Ferguson Police officer Darren Wilson. The group has no legal authority, but organizers say the goal is to uncover what they call a clear bias that was shown during the St. Louis County grand jury process.


The group, made up of lawyers and activists, will select a jury and interview witnesses to the Michael Brown shooting death over the next two days. They’ve asked several key figures in the case to come, including Wilson and St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch, but the group does not expect either to attend.


The group says they’ve gone over the St. Louis County grand jury transcripts and that they believe the process was conducted in a way to prevent Darren Wilson from being indicted. They cite grand jury instructions, how evidence was presented, and how Darren Wilson was allowed to testify as evidence that the prosecutor`s office was bias.


All along McCulloch has maintained that the St. Louis County grand jury process was fair.

The Black People’s Grand Jury will open at the Ambassador  on Halls Ferry Road in north St. Louis County at 10:00am Saturday. The meeting is open to the public.

This grand jury is an effort of activists connected to the Leadership Coalition for Justice, formerly the Justice for Mike Brown Leadership Coalition, and the African People’s Socialist Party.

Read More and Follow this story at: Fox2now.com

Thanks to PW for this H/T

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