BREAKING VIDEO>>> 4 National Guard Helicopters in Sky Heading to #Ferguson – Armored Vehicles in St. Ann

Four National Guard helicopters just flew over Kirkwood, Missouri heading north towards Ferguson.
This is definitely not normal.


protester police ferguson

More… Choppers were also seen in Southwest St. Louis City.

Armored security vehicles were seen in St. Ann – just south of Ferguson.

More photos of armed vehicles in Ferguson area.

This happened. I am not naming the company.
BUT — A large corporation with headquarters near Ferguson told employees this afternoon to pack their bags and get out of the area.
An employee at the company just called me. They are going around the company and releasing employees department by department.
Was told the grand jury announcement will be this evening.

Local officials are preparing for the worst.

Two more school districts issued warning letters.
KMOV reported:

Two more school districts issued letters this week about preparations and safety procedures ahead of the decision. Pattonville School District sent out a letter to parents Thursday saying “In light of the impending grand jury decision, Pattonville will continue to be a source of stability and support for our students. School will continue as normal.”

University City School District posted updated resources for parents regarding their contingency plans on its website.

More… Local special ops guys say this is just staging and that official announcement will be Sunday or Monday.
But, also heard tonight is the night.