No one should be surprised that CAIR was not happy with the election results. Hillary would have copied Obama’s policy of favoring terrorist Muslims over American citizens, but Donald Trump is a real threat to their radical agenda. What is surprising is that Hussam Ayloush, a high ranking leader of CAIR called for the outright overthrow of our government.
Daniel Pipes of the Mideast Forum translated the second line as:
“The people wants to bring down the regime.'”
That’s about as a subtle as a baseball bat up side the head but not all CAIR officials share in Hussam’s hatred for America.
The longtime CAIR executive director and Hamas sympathizer said:
“As citizens of this great nation, we accept the result of the democratic process that has bound us together as one nation. “Regardless of who won or lost yesterday’s election, American Muslims are here to stay. We are not going anywhere, and will not be intimidated or marginalized.”
This could get interesting fast. Ayloush could be arrested for inciting the overthrow of the government.
Here are the rest of the tweets that followed in response to Hussam’s anti-America comment: