Class Action Lawsuit, In CA, Brings Light To 5000 Children Who Were Taken From Their Homes/Families Without Warrants
The Justina Pellitier case brought to the forefront the horrible atrocities of the judicial system, its subsidiary programs like CPS, social workers and guardians ad litem, for perhaps the first time. In actuality these kinds of injustice and obscene violations of families have been going on for a long, long time, and across the country.
Health Impact News announced today that a class action lawsuit was filed in California, this month, on behalf of one family and 5000 children who were seized from their homes. The suit alleges these children were taken in violation of the 4th and 14th amendment, without warrants, or justification.
Attorney Shawn A. McMillan, of the Law Office of Shawn A. McMillan, filed a Federal Lawsuit in the Central District of California, Southern Division on April 20, 2015 (case number 8:15-cv-00626). The lawsuit alleges that the Orange County Child Protective Services Agency took a young boy from his mother’s home in the middle of the night without any justification, and without first obtaining a warrant. The Class Action complaint also alleges that as a matter of practice the agency frequently removes children from the custody of their parents without first obtaining a warrant where no emergency exists, and has done so for at least five years.
For those who don’t understand the urgency in putting this branch of the law back in its box, The Public Slate goes into great detail explaining how and why this problem has grown to such gargantuan proportions.
The corruption that runs rampant in family courts, and from judges, attorneys and government agencies is largely ignored by anyone with the authority to do anything about it. Why?
Here’s how they use divorce to gain power and financial riches:
The divorce regime involves divorcing parents, and usually targets the father. Children are forcibly separated from parents who are stripped of the care, custody, and companionship of their children without explanation. Family court judges and social workers, who usually work for government agencies, have almost unlimited power. The divorce regime corruption operates through political power, money, and fear. Adult victims can expect to be locked up in jail without charges or a trial, forced to confess, accused of child abuse, forced to pay for professional services, and have their homes and possessions illegally searched or stolen, while receiving nothing but doctored court dockets from the kangaroo court proceedings. Children are often instructed to hate, or act as an informer against, one or both parents.
Elder abuse:
Isolate, medicate, take the estate – That is the motto of the crooks who prey on the elderly, as well as the disabled. Systemic elder abuse/Medicare fraud often involves the Area Agency on Aging, a government entity that receives federal dollars to advocate for the elderly. In this manner of corruption, Elders are removed from their families or possibly put in the care of an abusive family member who teams up with the crooks. The elders might be placed into federal programs or nursing homes, and they might be given psychotropic or other drugs they don’t need. Concerned family members are not allowed to see them, and are often accused of abusing them. The elders’ assets disappear, and often they end up in nursing homes until the end of their lives, at taxpayers’ expense.
Child Protective Services:
Child Protective Services (CPS) investigates reports of child abuse, and agency caseworkers decide when children should be placed in foster care. CPS has a long history of removing children from, often poor, homes for profit, under the guise of doing “what is best for the children.” Parents and children are victimized by the system that makes a profit for holding children longer and “bonuses” for not returning children. CPS is guilty of “legally kidnapping” children from good homes, and it’s guilty of not removing children from bad homes, including foster homes. The late Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer investigated CPS corruption in her state. Senator Schaefer said, “… I believe Child Protective Services nationwide has become corrupt and that the entire system is broken almost beyond repair.”
” Few people realize that the government has the power to ruin their lives through the legal system until they are stuck like a bug in the spiderweb of deceit.”
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