The Conservative Post reported,
“Imagine if a former Bush Admin official had done something like this during Obama’s presidency? It has now been confirmed that former Secretary of State John Kerry went behind the Trump Administration’s back and negotiated over the Obama-brokered Iran nuclear deal just last month.
President Trump was expected to pull America out of the Iran deal, which he called one of the worst he’d ever seen, as his own self-imposed deadline of May 12 approached. Kerry, one of the chief architects behind the deal, naturally sees this as an assault on his legacy. What he apparently fails to understand is that he’s no longer secretary of state, and to negotiate on behalf of the United States as though he were is tantamount to treason, or, at the very least, criminal misrepresentation.
After all, I, as a private citizen, can’t just hop over to Canada and start negotiating with their government on behalf of the White House. It should go without saying that the Iranians miss Barack Obama and John Kerry, and so had no problem skirting the Trump Administration on this matter.
“We don’t see the US just as Mr. Trump; the United States is not just the current ruling administration and there are many figures who have different views on international and regional issues,” said Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Qassemi.”
This is nothing less than shadow diplomacy. John Kerry was caught through photographic evidence meeting with Iranian diplomats to try and save the former Administrations disastrous deal. He met with Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in New York City as well as French President Emmanuel Macron and German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. These meetings took place after Israeli Prime Minister announced to the United States that Iran was revealed to be not abiding by the terms of the nuclear deal.
The Blaze reported,
“Jason Osborne, who is a former senior adviser to President Donald Trump’s campaign, tweeted a photo of Kerry leaving a meeting at a fancy restaurant in Paris on Saturday. According to Osborne, whose friend was apparently sitting next to Kerry, the former secretary of state was meeting with three Iranians. The Iranians reportedly had a security detail and left the restaurant in diplomatic vehicles.
At the end of his tweet, Osborne questioned if Kerry is “FARA registered,” a reference to the Foreign Agents Registration Act. FARA requires U.S. residents and businesses working in the interest of foreign powers to register with the federal government as “foreign agents.” The answer to Osborne’s question is unknown, and it’s unclear if Kerry would need to register given he is a former secretary of state. It’s also not clear what Kerry was discussing with the Iranians. After all, Trump ended the Iranian nuclear deal this week.
Still, there were questions last week over whether Kerry violated the Logan Act — an 18th century law that prohibits U.S. citizens from engaging in discussions with foreign governments “with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government” or “to defeat the measures of the United States” — when he met with the diplomats. Others have amounted Kerry’s actions to “collusion,” a charge Democrats routinely levy at Trump.”
The nuclear deal was flawed in a multitude of different ways. It did not explicitly prohibit Iran from building nuclear weapons, despite the fact that they are the world’s leading state sponsor of terror. Instead, it allowed them to continue to maintain their current nuclear infrastructure. Moreover, it did not cut them off by the purse strings. What it did was ease economic sanctions and allow them to maintain the funds they needed to continue their ballistic missile program.
Whether John Kerry is charged with any crime or not what he did was very shady and gives off the appearance of collusion and illegal activity. The Obama administration is no longer in power and those who belonged to the administration need to accept it. Their time has come, it has passed, and it is over. Move on. Because what they are doing is not in the best interests of the United States
Read more: RWN