The collaboration between Barrack Obama and the media has revealed the damage they have done to the “Millennial Generation”. All these college students who were middle schoolers when Obama took office have only heard about hate, homophobia, bigotry and race bating by those on the right.
Lifeline director John Draper told CNN that the network took 660 calls between 1 and 2 a.m., double or triple the volume they normally take, with calls increasing as election results poured in. “I can’t say I’ve seen anything like this… And it’s certainly not something I’ve ever seen in an election,” said Draper, who has 25 years of experience in suicide prevention.
“It’s been ongoing since Tuesday night,” Steve Mendelsohn, deputy executive director explained. “Young people are calling us who’ve never called us before. They’re scared, and they don’t know who to turn to… Given all the rhetoric that they’ve heard leading up to the election, it makes sense that they’re frightened.”
At this point their collective world of the Millennial is crashing down. Their world they have known is changing, the world is always changing, and the “every body wins a trophy” generation is getting their taste of it. So as the weak only can do, they wonder how they can cope or check out. I’ve never seen American’s so weak in spirit, yet they are strong enough to protest.
what do you think?