Four BLM Thugs Brutally Attack Two Veterans


Two veterans were out for a night of enjoyment when they were brutally attacked by four BLM members.  Mark Stephen, a U.S. Army National Guard staff sergeant and Zack Coe Johnson, an Army veteran were attacked by four BLM hoods in San Antonio, Texas.  Johnson was the first one attacked and the initial blow knocked him out and he doesn’t remember his beating but Stephen does.  He said that as the four were battering him they were yelling racial slurs.  “As I was getting my face stomped in and thrown through a window, they were yelling racial slurs saying how whites sucked and black lives were better,”


Johnson took to social media also and this what he said:

Zach Cole Johnson

Johnson received a broken nose and cheekbone, requiring 8 stitches to his face as well as several staples in the back of his head.

Facebook Photo Zac Coe Johnson

lupe flores

To add insult to injury, the pair went to the local police station, where they provided no help at all.  In fact the pair was forced to Uber to the hospital.

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