Green Party Candidate Jill Stein: Disarm the Police: Could Destroy Hillary


Evidently, Jill Stein wants to be the preferred candidate for Black Lives Matter.  She has called for the disarming of the police.  Not today or tomorrow, but soon.  She is under the illusion that the only reason we have violent crime in this country is because the police have guns.  Can you imagine disarming of police in Detroit, Chicago, New York or California?  Ultimately that plan would achieve the greatest ambition of the BLM movement, eliminating police forces.  What officer in their right mind would want to go out into the mean streets unarmed?

But what could it mean for Hillary?  She needs a heavy percentage of the black vote to win.  If Stein keeps talking about neutering the police many BLM activists could end up voting for her.  In states where the vote is close, that would be a disaster for Clinton.

And what if any did decide to stay?  What do you do when you encounter a thug with a gun?  Do you club him with your manual on the proper pronouns for freaks who cross dress?  I think it would be a good and educational lesson if Stein would ride along with officers in Chicago and south Detroit with the understanding that she would be responsible for her own safety.  Maybe we could rake in a few bucks by placing it on Pay Per View.

She insists we need to hold police accountable in order to stop racial violence.  It worked so well in baltimore when mayor Stephanie rawlings-Blake ordered police to stand down during the riots.  Remember?

“We are in a violent society,” Stein said. “We’re all being caught in the crossfire. So we’ve actually called for not only a police review board — not only investigators to look into each death at the hands of police — but also to call for a truth and reconciliation commission so that we can address this ongoing climate of fear and racism which, in many ways, has been a continuous line since the institution of slavery, lynchings, Jim Crow and so on into mass incarceration and the epidemic currently of police violence.”

Evidently Stein doesn’t believe “Blue Lives Matter”

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