He Sat At A Waffle House For HOURS, Then When The Bill Came His Waitress Broke Down In Tears…

After losing a fantasy football bet, a man had to face the consequences of eating for 24 hours inside a waffle house restaurant. With his final team waving goodbye in the NFL, he had thought of a gimmick to make it more meaningful.

Michael Carsley is a 32-year-old salesman at Parsons Roofing in Atlanta and just like several people, he takes part in an NFL fantasy football league with 11 of his friends.

Also like most fantasy football groups, they had a bet placed on whoever was to finish in last place. The league member that came in last had to spend 24 hours in a Waffle House. With the provision that for every waffle eaten, one hour would be removed.

Carsley lost and have to spend the consequence on January 3 at a Waffle House near Atlanta. Two of his fellow fantasy players sat with him and they live-streamed fun moments. During the live stream, people were offering up to pay for his waffles. But Carsley thought that was silly, so instead, he said anyone who wanted to give to his Venmo, could donate and he would give all the donations to his server.

He started doing an eating challenge, attempting to eat 21 waffles so he could get his punishment down to only 3 hours of staying at the Waffle House. The eating challenge prompted more viewers to the live stream and naturally, more donations to his Venmo.

After eating 18 waffles and sitting at Waffle House for 6 hours, Carsley’s tab came to $49. And he had over 90 tip donations totaling $1,040. As promised, Carsley tipped all of the money to his server Mosammat Shumi who was overcome with emotion. In the video, Shumi says, “Oh my God! Really? Are you for real? I cannot believe it! Thank you!”

With the help of his friends, Carsley was able to make the server’s week, giving her some extra cash during an extremely difficult time for restaurant workers.

More details from AWM:

The server was so happy to receive the staggering amount of money from the generous donors via the live stream. She was in utter shock that she had been given such a large tip from the young man who was sent into the Waffle House restaurant to eat his way to freedom.

The gesture meant so much to the server that she shed a few tears. The video caught her covering her face as the fact sunk in that she had been handed a $1,040 tip from a fantasy football fan.

Source: AWM

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