A Hillary Clinton rally did not go as expected when a speaker took the liberty of telling the sparse crowd in attendanceĀ not to vote for her. Seems that this young millennial, who is a sophomore in college and a Bernie supporter could not bring himself to throw his weight behind the establishment candidate Hillary Clinton, so he did this.

Watch the video here:

Truth Feed reported,

Not what you would expect at a Hillary Clinton rally, but it is the sign of the times on college campuses. At one point or another in our youth, we all were idealists thinking we could change the world with good intentions. But as time passed we realized the only way to make things better was to take care of ourselves and our family and helping the community we live in a better place. That is the only way to help. As the old saying goes,”The path to hell is paved with good intentions.”

Do you think the Bernie fans will stand behind Hillary Clinton this election?

Source: Truth Feed