Just How Much Sugar Is In Your Favorite Snacks? (Infographic)

You may have noticed that some of the fruits shown on the infographic have as much sugar in them as sugary treats. Does this mean that, from a nutritional standpoint, a mango is just as bad for you as a Starbucks hot chocolate? Not at all. Nutritionist Joy Dubost broke down the difference between the two in an article for the Huffington Post.
“For one thing, fruit offers good stuff like vitamins, antioxidants and water, while candy and desserts are nutritionally void. Fruit also tends to have less sugar by volume,” Dubost writes. “…Plus, whole fruit has a lot of fiber, which actually slows down your body’s digestion of glucose, so you don’t get the crazy insulin spike (and subsequent crash) that candy causes. That also means your body has more time to use up glucose as fuel before storing it — as fat.”
Sources: The Daily Mail, The Huffington Post / Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons