• September 15, 2024

Husband of Democratic Senator Charged With 7 Counts of 1st Degree Rape


Maud Ingram, of Henrico, North Carolina, husband of North Carolina state Senator Erica Smith-Ingram, has been indicted on seven counts of first degree rape and seven charges of extortion .  Ingram was a former probation officer, who allegedly extorted sex from his probationers.  When he was originally arrested, it was for attempted second-degree rape and felony obstruction of justice.

Maud Ingram, 50North Carolina state Senator Erica Smith-Ingram

From The Mail Online:

Authorities say the victims in those charges were probationers, reported the station WITN. The state Department of Public Safety says Ingram was fired from his job last November after five years. 

Following his September arrest, the SBI set up a hotline to see if additional victims would come forward.

Around the time of her husband’s arrest, Smith-Ingram released a statement saying she had no knowledge of the basis for the charges against him. 

Ingram was fired from his job in November 2015Ingram and his wife have four children, the youngest of whom, 5-year-old Rhema Elias (pictured on Ingram's T-shirt), passed away in 2013

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