Imperial president to unilaterally rule on amnesty, blame Congress

dictator-obamaNot only is Barack Obama set to unilaterally rule on amnesty for illegal immigrants, but, the Associated Press said Thursday, he intends to blame Congress for acting like a dictator.

Examiner reported:

According to the AP, the White House intends to argue that Congress didn’t provide enough resources to fully enforce the law, thereby giving wide latitude to the administration to prioritize deportation of some 11.5 million illegal immigrants. Republicans, the AP added, are also working to see what steps they can take to prevent Obama from essentially ruling like a dictator on immigration, something Democrats like Luiz Gutierrez have demanded for some time.

In June, Obama told immigration activists that “if Congress will not do their job, at least we can do ours.” In short, if Congress doesn’t pass amnesty in his time frame, then Obama would take action on his own.

At this point, it’s uncertain what, exactly Obama intends to do.  Whatever it is, though, White House spokesman Shawn Turner said it will be “rooted in a solid legal foundation.”  The AP said, however, that Obama’s actions will “almost surely be challenged in court.”

Obama, the AP added, may have undermined his own case, having once said that he’s the president, not a king and “can’t just make the laws up by myself.”

But that hasn’t stopped him from deploying his pen and his phone in the past.

n February, for example, the administration bypassed Congress with new exemptions that would allow immigrants who provided “limited material support” to terrorists into the country. Last June, Obama said he would rely on executive fiat and regulatory action in his war on the coal industry. Last July, Obama waived congressional restrictions and ordered $148 million to the Palestinian Authority, claiming it was in the “national security interests” of the United States. On Wednesday, news broke that Obama is seeking to enact an international agreement on climate change while bypassing the Senate.

And of course, it’s someone’s fault.  He’s blamed the Internet, ATM machines, George W. Bush, the Constitution, a “messy democracy” and the Founding Fathers.  Now, it’s Congress’ fault he intends to rule like a dictator.  And Democrats, naturally, couldn’t be happier.

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