ISIS Praises The Gunmen In Garland, TX Terror Attack

On Sunday, two gunmen were killed in what appears to have been an attempted Charlie Hebdo-style terror attack against a free-speech event in Garland, Texas, that featured a “Draw the Prophet” contest. According to reports, a Twitter account allegedly belonging to a British hacker working for ISIS, issued tweets praising the two gunmen.

“Allahu Akbar,” the tweet said. “2 of our brothers just opened fire at the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) art exhibition in texas! (sic)”

The Twitter account has since been suspended, but not before the tweet was captured. One person suggested al-Britani may have had prior knowledge of the attempted attack. Pamela Geller, one of the event organizers, posted the tweet before the account was suspended.

“As I said, the war is here,” she said. “The war for free speech is a shooting war. Will the US fight or surrender?”

Geller also said there were multiple shootings at the event and the bomb squad is investigating a backpack that was left at the area. Two men with rifles and backpacks attacked officers outside the event, which was attended by some 200 people, she added. According to Garland city officials, the vehicle may contain an incendiary device. Authorities said late Sunday they are being careful about everything at this time.


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