Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump’s new DOJ boss told conservative radio talk show host, Hugh Hewitt that he is open to appointing special counsels to investigate Obama’s DOJ and IRS, due to their insane decisions.
Jeffrey Sessions is especially incensed by the lack of prosecutions in the investigations of Hillary Clinton and her State Department and in the case of the IRS targeting conservative groups and multiple instances where the IRS under John Koskinen destroyed evidence and emails to shield the Obama administration from corruption probes.
Sessions says the first step would be to do an internal examination of those cases and if warranted (IF????) he could appoint a special counsel to investigate each department. Sessions had been a vocal critic of both Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch as a member of the US Senate.
Sessions told radio host Hugh Hewitt that he was “going to do everything I possibly can to restore the independence and professionalism of the Department of Justice.”
“So we would have to consider whether or not some outside special counsel is needed,” he said. “Generally, a good review of that internally is the first step before any such decision is made”
When asked specifically about the IRS investigation, Sessions said “that circumstance raised a lot of questions in my mind, and when I was in the Senate. So it is a matter of real concern to me.”
Sessions told Hewitt that he favors keeping Guantanamo Bay open for terrorist prisoners:
When asked if he would recommend to President Trump sending a newly captured enemy combatant to the prison, Sessions said “there’s plenty of space.”
“It’s the perfect place for it,” he said. “Eventually this will be decided by the military rather than the Justice Department. But I see no legal problem whatsoever with doing it.”
Sessions was not asked whether he supported sending terror suspects captured in the United States to the prison; such an action would likely spark a major legal battle.