Can anyone imagine going to a school named after Barrack Obama? Of course other than those who identify with his minority status , which to a small degree I understand. Meaning I am of Italian decent for the most part, but I would not ever vote for Andrew Cuomo for any reason. I don’t identify with any of his politics, but that is me. I am surprised, a forever liberal area would not want this. Maybe they even can look past today and see what this name has wrought on the country, and just as well forget him as soon as possible.
A first-term assemblywoman’s effort to rename a city elementary school after the nation’s first black president fizzled this week when the school board rejected the move, two months after the board approved naming a different school after Maya Angelou instead of Obama.
I am sure the story is not over, at least for a little while. We have to remember the mention of race has not been brought to the fore front yet, but I’m sure we are not far off. I tip my hat to the board, give it some time before we start renaming schools , streets, buildings and bridges after Obama. Right now that’s the least of our worries, especially in the inner city where so many struggle daily. What do you think?